The Mercury Team was established in 1984 to provide an organized system of crisis intervention to assist first responders in reducing the number of job related stress casualties among professional ranks.
Through the Stress Management process, individuals and departments are provided a tool that can potentially alleviate overwhelming physical, cognitive, behavioral, psychological and spiritual reactions. The CISM process addresses very real issues that may contribute to the loss of valuable employees and organizations, thereby preserving careers, resources, expertise and human caring.
The Mercury Critical Incident Response Team consists of a highly competent group of volunteer professionals trained in the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation models of crisis intervention. They maintain a high level of competence through regular continuing education and quality reviews.
These individuals are carefully selected from the following disciplines:
Police, Fire, EMS, hospital critical care providers, 911 communication specialists, social services, chaplains, licensed/certified mental health providers, and military professionals. The Mercury CISM team provides a multi-component full service crisis intervention team made up of peer professionals, mental health, chaplains/clergy and peer family members.
You can support the Mercury Team by purchasing through Amazon Smile.
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.
Click on the graphic to direct your purchases as described above to be credited to the Mercury Team

Amazon Smile works on their mobile application as well! Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you? Simply follow the instructions below to select “Mercury Critical Incident Response” as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They’ll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to us. How it works: 1. Open the Amazon app on your phone 2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on “AmazonSmile” within Programs & Features 3. Select “Mercury Critical Incident Response” as your charity 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app |